.. This file is part of Invenio. Copyright (C) 2017-2018 CERN. Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License; see LICENSE file for more details. Continue integration with TravisCI ================================== This section will show you how to enable continue integration using the TravisCI service. Note, that you code must have been published on GitHub in order for this to work. TravisCI allows to run the tests of your module in a test matrix with different Python versions, and different versions of dependent Python packages. This ensures that your module becomes more robust. Configure travis-ci.org ------------------------ 1. Create an account ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We need first to create an account on `travis-ci.org `_. .. image:: resources/travis-signup.png :align: center Add your github credentials to signup .. image:: resources/travis-credentials.png :align: center 2. Enable travis for your repo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Go to your account .. image:: resources/travis-account.png :align: center Click to enable the repo you have created .. image:: resources/travis-click-to-enable.png :align: center Done! Create a Pull Request (PR) -------------------------- We want that our changes get merged into the main branch (master) of the repository. So, let's go to the GitHub repository. From here, you can click on the *branch* button. .. image:: resources/branch.png :align: center Then, click on *New pull request* .. image:: resources/pr.png :align: center Now, you can check the differences that you will add to the main branch. Fill a description and create the pull request. If TravisCI was correctly enabled, the pull request will now display a status check, that TravisCI is running the tests. If the tests pass, the status check will become green, if the tests fails it will become red. This way you're always sure not to integrated code that breaks your tests.