.. This file is part of Invenio. Copyright (C) 2015-2018 CERN. Copyright (C) 2018 Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Galter Health Sciences Library. Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License; see LICENSE file for more details. .. _launch-instance: Launch an Invenio instance ========================== .. _prerequisites: Prerequisites ------------- To be able to develop and run Invenio you will need the following installed and configured on your system: - `Docker v1.18+ `_ and `Docker Compose v1.23+ `_ - `NodeJS v6.x+ and NPM v4.x+ `_ - `Enough virtual memory `_ for Elasticsearch (when running in Docker). - `Cookiecutter `_ - `Pipenv `_ Invenio uses Cookiecutter to scaffold the boilerplate for your new instance and uses Pipenv to manage Python dependencies in a virtual environment. Above links contain detailed installation instructions, but the impatient can use following commands: .. code-block:: shell # Install cookiecutter if it is not already installed $ sudo apt-get install cookiecutter $ sudo apt-get install pipenv # or e.g. $ pip install --upgrade cookiecutter pipenv .. _bootstrap: Scaffold -------- First step is to scaffold a new instance using the `official Invenio cookiecutter template `_. .. code-block:: shell $ cookiecutter gh:inveniosoftware/cookiecutter-invenio-instance --checkout v3.1 # ...fill in the fields... Note, the cookiecutter script will ask you to resolve some TODOs. These will be covered in the :ref:`next-steps` section of this quick start guide. The scaffolded instance comes by default with a toy example data model to help you get started. Install ------- Now that we have our instance's source code ready we can proceed with the initial setup of the services and dependencies of the project: First, fire up the database, Elasticsearch, Redis and RabbitMQ: .. code-block:: shell $ cd my-site/ $ docker-compose up -d Creating mysite_cache_1 ... done Creating mysite_db_1 ... done Creating mysite_es_1 ... done Creating mysite_mq_1 ... done If the Elasticsearch service fails to start mentioning that it requires more virtual memory, see the following `fix `_. Next, activate the virtualenv of the new project by running: .. code-block:: shell $ pipenv shell Finally, install all dependencies, build the JS/CSS assets, create the database tables and create the Elasticsearch indices by running the bootstrap and setup scripts: .. code-block:: shell (my-site)$ ./scripts/bootstrap (my-site)$ ./scripts/setup Run --- You can now start the development web server and the background worker for your new Invenio instance: .. code-block:: shell (my-site)$ ./scripts/server * Environment: development * Debug mode: on * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) You can now visit ! Continue tutorial ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :ref:`crud-operations`